Diversified Manipulative Technique
Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Therapy
Spinal Decompression
Flexion Distraction
Graston Technique-M1
Thompson Technique
Trigger Point Therapy
Ultrasound Therapy
Soft Tissue
Nutritional Counseling (Plans)
Appointments & Paperwork
All NEW PATIENTS must select "INITIAL EXAM & TREATMENT" for the appointment type on the first visit. Patients or guardians will also need to Fill out NEW PATIENT INTAKE FORMS and sign a consent to treatment form online before receiving chiropractic care. This is to aid Dr. Crist in providing the best possible treatment.
Fees of Services
Medicare Patients CAN NOT be adjusted at this office if they are seeking treatment for acute conditions. Medicare patients can only be adjusted if they are coming for monthly maintenance with the use of ABN form and paying out of pocket. All other therapies MAY be used for acute conditions with an ABN Form.
First Time Patient Exam/Adjustment/Therapy $150 = I spend a great deal of time with my patients depending on needs.
Chiropractic Adjustment (10 minutes) $40-50
Or Plantar Fasciitis Therapy
-Full Spine (except bear hug & side posterior adjustment)
-Neck, Ear
-Legs, Hips, Knees, Feet, Toes
-Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Fingers
Adjustment plus 1 Therapy (20 minutes) $70
-Graston for Scar Tissue or
-Manual Therapy for Knots & Trigger points or
-US & EMS Combo for Nerve Pain/Sciatica Relief
-Adjustment included if desired
30 Minute Slot Medical Manual Therapy $100
-20 minutes of manual therapy (deep tissue)
-US & EMS Combo included
-Adjustment included if desired
School or Sports Physical (20 minutes) $50
30 Minute Coaching Session $50